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Darts & Laurels: Delco schools get education in hard knocks

Saturday 28 May 2011

A look at the week that was, the issues and people who made headlines, and a few darts and laurels for those who deserve them.

DART: To the Schools of Hard Knocks. All week we have been detailing the plight of local school boards as they face daunting budget challenges, including job cuts, increased class size and tax hikes. It’s not going away anytime soon.

LAUREL: To House Republicans. They parted ways with their own governor, Tom Corbett, in seeking to put some of the slashed funding back into education.

LAUREL: To the Memorial Day weekend, and the unofficial start of summer. Even Mother Nature seems to be cooperating, with some summer-like weather.

DART: To those who forget the true meaning of the holiday. This isn’t about a three-day weekend. Or a sale at the mall. Or the opening of the pool. It’s about honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

LAUREL: Speaking of service to the country, a big thumb’s up to Boeing’s V-22 Osprey. Two of the tilt-rotors paid a visit to the Boeing plant this week, and a Marine captain explained how the innovative craft was the key to a rescue operation in Libya. Bravo!

DART: To those in Washington who for years have had the Osprey in their crosshairs. Maybe now they can put to rest their efforts to kill off this program.

LAUREL: To the Walk for the Wounded. Thousands gathered last weekend in Rose Tree Park to help those still dealing with the aftermath of their service to our country. As we enter the Memorial Day weekend, it’s good not to forget.

DART: To the huge toll our service men and women continue to pay every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. We lost seven GIs in Afghanistan on Thursday. Take a minute this weekend to remember and honor their service.

LAUREL: To James Murphy. The outspoken Rose Tree Media resident is a fixture at local school board meetings and is a proponent of holding the line on school taxes. In fact, Murphy would like to see the system revamped so that education does not depend on property taxes for its funding.Continued...


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