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U.S. education lauded

Saturday 28 May 2011

Author says nation thriving


WORCESTER —  Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne S. Robinson told members of the 165th graduating class at the College of the Holy Cross yesterday that, despite problems and other difficulties, they are still living in “wonderful times” and the nation is “flourishing.” 

Ms. Robinson, whose novel, “Gilead,” won the Pulitzer in 2005, recognized that “things might be better,” but said the United States is full of potential and people around the world still look to America for guidance. 

The Idaho native praised the nation’s educational culture, noting, for example, that the country’s 5,000 or so colleges and universities churn out students “full of good faith.” 

Ms. Robinson said schools are not islands onto themselves, but repositories where “valuable” and “wonderful” things can be found. 

Still, she noted, education is being attacked in some quarters for producing “elitists” who shouldn’t be “participating in life.” 

Ms. Robinson said she guessed that those elitists were the students who paid attention in class, drawing a smattering of laughter from the hundreds attending the commencement ceremonies at Fitton Field. 

She said many, unfortunately, view education as “a burden,” rather than an “investment.” 

Ms. Robinson, who was born into a Presbyterian family, but is now a Congregationalist, urged the graduates to use good judgment and conscience when making decisions and to thoroughly think about what they are told, especially if the arguments use “percentages and statistics.” 

She said the students should utilize the values and lessons learned at Holy Cross, as they encounter all the “amazing strangers” who live in the United States. 

Ms. Robinson, in urging the graduates to seek out their potential, said modesty is a fine thing until it becomes “disabling.” 

She also told them to live out their religion’s “beauty and profundity.” 

“Your lives are part of this civilization,” she said. 

“Gilead” is set in a small Iowa town and centers on the life and theological concerns of a minister. Its sequel, “Home,” garnered the Orange Prize for Fiction, a top international award for women authors. 

Mr. Robinson’s first novel, “Housekeeping,” was a Pulitzer finalist in 1980. 

About 690 received degrees yesterday from the Jesuit liberal arts school. 

Ms. Robinson, the Rev. Francis X. Clooney, S.J., a leading scholar in the field of comparative theology at Harvard Divinity School, and Henry I. Smith, a professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, received honorary degrees. 

Yesterday’s commencement was the last for the Rev. Michael C. McFarland in his role as Holy Cross president. 

He is stepping down later in the year. 

Miriam M. Westin, a Newfoundland resident who gave the valedictorian address, applauded Rev. McFarland on behalf of her classmates for his years of leadership and mentoring on Mount St. James. 

She said that if students had their druthers, the campus’ new residence hall would be named after Rev. McFarland. 

Ms. Westin, a studio art major with a self-designed minor in architectural studies, said Holy Cross challenged its charges and forever linked them. 

She said she and her fellow classmates should be thankful for the numerous blessings that were crammed within their four years of study. 

“We need to take on the world, as messy as it is, and work with it,” said Ms. Westin, noting that, with graduation, the class of 2011’s “small community” has grown “exponentially.” 

The following area graduates received bachelor of arts degrees from the College of the Holy Cross: 

Auburn: Robert P. Sturdevant (c) 

Bolton: Casey T. Fitzpatrick (c) 

Charlton: Danielle M. Shaw 

Douglas: Shelby R. Stand 

Gardner: Donald P. Lemieux 

Harvard: Sean E. Doocey, Lindsey A. Tonge (m) 

Hopedale: Andrew F. Mainini 

Hubbardston: William N. Brekka (c) 

Hudson: Patrick H. Grogan 

Lancaster: Laura E. O’Neil (m) 

Leominster: Viennie A. Chanthachack 

Marlboro: Madison H. Lucas, Michelle D. Marieni (m), Thomas P. Oram 

Milford: Matthew J. Clemente, Nicholas F. Keeler 

Northboro: Nitya L. Durvasula, Julianne M. Turpin (c) 

Northbridge: Debra L. Bathmann 

North Brookfield: Ryan R. Severance 

Phillipston: Carolyn S. Smith (c) 

Rochdale: Vaske T. Progri 

Shrewsbury: Christopher M. Bergan (c), Christopher P. Dufault, Daniel J. Evans, Stephanie S. Jackson, Jaclyn M. Jankowski (c), Christina N. Lindberg (c), Sarah L. Meng (m), Kim-Anh X. Nguyen, Alexandre P. Ribeiro, Patrick A. Teebagy, Carolina V. Zelinski (m) 

Southboro: Kaitlyn F. Friday (c) 

Spencer: Shannon M. Harris 

Sturbridge: Jessica E. Albrecht 

Sutton: Selina E. Carter (s) 

Webster: Kristy A. Fisher (m), Kristina Xega 

Westminster: Meghan M. Stuessy 

Whitinsville: Javin H. Brita. 

Worcester: Mohamed H. Adam, Michelle S. Arous, Michael A. Bernazzani, Elizabeth M. Burke, Krist Dhima, Meaghan N. Flanigan, Charles B. Flynn, Dorikla Gjinko, Herma Gjinko (c), Amanda L. Gonzalez, Brikena Hana, Stephanie M. John, Kathleen M. Kasper, Elena Kotnani, Lorena Loci (c), Doyle P. Murphy, Caroline T. Nembhard, Phuong M. T. Nguyen, Kaitlin L. Sullivan, Michael R. Taher, Lan K. Truong, Brianna M. Turner, Patrick J. Walsh II, Anthony J. Zelayandia, Brian J. Zelesky 

Key: (c) = Cum Laude; (m) = Magna Cum Laude; (s) = Summa Cum Laude


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